Friday, February 20, 2009


A little more than a week ago I began this blog as a class assignment. In going out into the community I found when I posed the question, "How do you reduce, recycle or reuse?" there were answers ranging from the practical to the artistic, and, a lot of questions.

Living in land-locked--though gorgeous--Montana has its challenges, one of them being the very issue of how to manage the byproducts of living. We are not a full-service recycling community state at present; hence the need for creative strategies. I hope to offer some here.

Additionally, on a national, nay, global level, we are experiencing not just a common rising of consciousness with regard to safety and environmental concerns, but an enveloping economic crisis. To say it's a tightening of the belt, en masse, is to be generous. However, though it seems grim times are upon us, I am here to tell you this: straightening nails can be fun! And I am going to leave you with that to ponder. Let's begin!



Post Script
As this blog began as a class project, you can expect some unrelated posts and of course, for the look to change unexpectedly. Isn't that so like life?