Friday, February 20, 2009

Glass Recycling

There's no way to know where to start, so we might as well start here...

Know all that glass that the City used to take at the binnies, but was just grinding up and spreading at the landfill? They don't even do that anymore. The City of Bozeman Solid Waste Division currently does not accept glass. Several people asked me what they can do with glass as there is no viable recycling.'s one answer:

Glass Roots Recycled Glass Studio
5920 Sourdough Road, Bozeman, MT
(406) 579-5294

Bring your glass bottles for recycling! We would be ecstatic to receive the following:
- Blue glass (Bombay Gin, Sake bottles)
- Clear glass (wine bottles)
- Green tinted glass (Coke and Aqua Panna bottles)

I know, I know...this doesn't cure the most obvious issue: that great leftover, the brown glass beer bottle. May I suggest your local brewer? I know of two guys in Bozeman that make their own beer--no wait, three--and collect brown bottles to fill and cap. You must know some too!

I spoke to a person from the glass studio and they indicated that yes, it was fine to drop off bags or boxes of clear, blue or green glass at their studio. Just lean it against the building. For more info or a tour, I suggest phoning ahead.

If you do not live in our valley, check around for glass studios in your area and learn about what they use and are interested in recycling for you! And keep an eye out for those brewers...good people to know!

