Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bags of Bags !

You know how those bags you mush in the bag drawer mysteriously breed and multiply? There are many things to do with know...bulk food refills, sandwiches, cat poop (!) but here's a recipe for the craft-oriented that is the best I've seen so far: Make bags from your bags! Check out these beautiful examples, and read on for instructions.

plastic bag grocery bag (recipe from Anna Dingman, inspired by Ready Made--

You will need quite a few plastic bags, any type will work. I like the bread bags because the plastic is a little thicker.
  1. Fold each bag into a square, you can use any size square--try and get all of the bags close to the same size.
  2. Put each folded plastic bag between two towels and iron lightly.
  3. Then sew them together using a sewing machine--straight stitch works, you may want a heavier (denim, for example) needle.
  4. Usually 6-8 will work for the main panels and 2-3 for the bottom panel. I used larger bags folded for the side panels and strap.
Anna mentioned the beauty of the Wheat Montana bags, and how fun clear bags were (I have lots, if you want some!) because you can put images in the bag, and seal them with the iron! As you can see, these would make some rather stylish gifts as well as original work pieces for yourself. Thanks Anna for these elegant examples of reuse!

Readers, please feel free to send me your ideas, from the simple to the complex: how do you reduce, reuse, recycle?
