Friday, February 20, 2009


I know: such an ugly word. One of the questions posed to me was where can one take computers and components in our area? Computers, monitors, analog tvs...and then there's all that other stuff like obsolete printers, dead vcrs, outdated cell phones, and on and on... Such a great query, and one I've been wondering about myself. As the most conspicuous consumers on the planet, it's an especially pertinent question for most Americans. Key, I think, is learning to make do (kind of the blog theme, eh?) rather than having to have the newest, latest, greatest gadget.

The bad news: E-waste recycling can be an un-tidy issue, as I learned watching a recent 60 Minutes expose. Here is a link to a transcript of that story: It's not all, "rainbows and waterfalls," (a phrase one friend recently coined,) as we earth lovers would like to think.

If you would love researching and reading up on this issue, here's what our Environmental Protection Agency has to offer: Highlights:

Digital Television Transition | en EspaƱol

TV Recycling Challenge

Where Can I Donate or Recycle My Old Computer and Other Electronics?

Recycle Your Cell Phone. It’s an Easy Call.

Responsible Recycling Practices

Resource Conservation Challenge partnerships and initiatives on electronics

But, locally, what can we do? News Flash! In April, there will be a local e-waste recycling event. Stay tuned for details...which will be posted shortly!

