Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Recycle Your Corks !

Yes, hmmm... Okay, so I'm embarrassed to admit that I save everything. Well, not everything, in a hoarding sort of way, but I have great dreams of zero waste at some point. I guess that means I'll have to get that compost bucket going... But anyway... I have a little stash of wine corks. Why? To make a cork bulletin board? For someone else's precious cork project? It gives one pause...

If you're a person who also has a stash of wine corks, but no immediate plans for their reuse, or if you would like to start one, now there is an answer: cork recycling. This is an effort by ReCORK, "The goal of ReCORK ( is to find reuse applications for as many corks as possible - and in the process, help communicate the value cork forests play as a sustainable natural resource that must be protected. Natural cork wine closures, unlike plastic or aluminum, are ideal for recycling and can be remanufactured into shoe components, flooring, gaskets, bulletin boards, sports equipment, and even used as a soil amendment in compost. Natural cork is also a valuable source of CO2 retention."

Where do I drop off my wonderful, highly coveted, cork stash, you query? Our fabulous local merchants, All Things Italian, offer a drop off at their store:
2251 W Kagy, Ste 1! You might like to, "Like," them on facebook as well. Delicious.

Anyway, it is my chosen task to letcha know about the plentiful recycling opps in our sparkling Gallatin Valley, and so, there you are!

Happy Recycling,


Glass Recycling in Bozeman

Hey there, have I really not posted since July? Outrageous. Well, I'm posting twice today!

First thing to let you know is there is GLASS RECYCLING at TARGET. Yes, it's true! I've been using this service since last summer, but just recently there was a Chronicle article detailing this phenomena. Here is the link:

The bins are inside the customer service/returns area. If you do a u-turn when you get in the door, to your left, you'll run smack into them. I'm including a photo of what they look like; not very big, hunh? Well, there's plenty of room in the back, or so the article says. Read it and rejoice.

Happy Recycling,


Post Script

Please check out my other blog post on glass recycling (click on Glass in the left margin) to share your clear, green or blue glass. Very special.