Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Recycling BIKES !

Big snooze of summer fever then hibernation, but there is much to reveal and here's a compelling event!

Bozeman Bike Kitchen is a wonderful community resource that takes donated bikes and bike parts and soups 'em up to offer to those who need a fresh ride. Sometimes called, "Frankenstein bikes," they offer an alternative to our National oil dependency as well. Volunteers staff the shop and assemble the bikes for a good time and the warm fuzzies; you could be one! Win, win, win, all the way around!

SO! SATURDAY, FROM 9AM - 3PM AT 425 E ASPEN, home of the BOZEMAN BIKE KITCHEN ! Bring your bikes, bike bits, and anything else still usable from cyclingland! They'll love you and you'll love them! Here's their web addy for more data:

Attached, incidentally, there is a .jpg of Bike Week. Click to enlarge. Free eats and treats all biz week long next week! Enjoy!


Post Script

THIS JUST IN: Le Chatelaine Chocolat Co. announced on their facebook page they will give you a free chocolate for biking over during Bike Week. As my friend said, "those chocolates are very dear," meaning: high end. And, ohhh, so good! Will they give you one every day this week? I don't know! Ask them. They are in the lobby of the Baxter at Willson and Main (opens at 11:30am,) and also at 1516 West Main (opens at 10.)